Hyunkook Lee

Psychoacoustics of 3D sound recording techniques: Research and Practice

Vortragsfolien /Powerpoint Slides


This talk will provide an overview of psychoacoustic principles for height perception in 3D multichannel audio and introduce examples of how the principles are applied in practical 3D sound recording using microphone techniques. The session will be accompanied with various 9.1 recording demos, including the recent release of a Pure Audio Blu-ray album for Siglo de Oro.


Hyunkook Lee is Senior Lecturer in Music Technology and the Leader of the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL) at the University of Huddersfield, UK. From 2006 to 2010, Dr. Lee was Senior Research Engineer in audio R&D at LG Electronics, South Korea. He is also an experienced freelance recording engineer specialising in surround and 3D acoustic recording. He received a B.Mus. degree in music and sound recording (Tonmeister) from the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, in 2002, and his Ph.D. degree in sound recording and psychoacoustics from the Institute of Sound Recording (IoSR) at the same University in 2006.

His current research includes spatial audio perception, capturing and rendering techniques for 3D and VR audio, intelligent sound engineering, and interactive virtual acoustics. Hyunkook is an active member of the Audio Engineering Society since 2001 and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK.